Volunteer Intake

Thank you for volunteering with Multnomah County. This form collects information on your potential or actual conflicts of interest in your role with Multnomah County and asks you to review and acknowledge relevant policies. Personal information will be held in confidence as allowed by law.

If there is any change to your potential or actual conflicts of interest during your volunteer term, please complete a new form.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Community Involvement at community.involvement@multco.us or 503-988-3450.

If you are a student, retired, or unemployed, you can provide that information under Employer.

E.g. Serving on another advisory board or committee for Multnomah County, volunteering for a department

Eg. You are an employee or board member of a non-profit that receives funding from Multnomah County

Eg. Your spouse or close relative is employed by Multnomah County

Please type your full name as your signature