Planning Council Volunteer Application Form

Contact Information

Contact Information

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The federally authorized Ryan White program requires that the Planning Council be reflective of the local HIV/AIDS epidemic. For this purpose, please identify any or all of the following categories that apply to you.

Please enter DOB in this format mm/dd/yyyy


Use the Control key to select more than one answer

Describe your duties for each place you worked or volunteered.

The following questions are optional but helpful for statistical purposes.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Conflict of Interest

The Ryan White Program requires that specific categories of people in the community be represented on planning councils. Thus, some council members may also serve as employees or board members of organizations eligible for Ryan White Program funds. Other members may have other organizational affiliations or relationships with individuals who have such affiliations. Because of the potential for conflict of interest, this disclosure must be documented by all council members and applicants.

What is conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest is defined as:

Actual or perceived interest by the member in an action that results or has the appearance of resulting in personal, organizational or professional gain.
This actual or appearance of bias in the Council’s decision-making process is based on the dual role played by some council members who are affiliated in some capacity (e.g., employee, board or advisory committee member) of an organization or agency which has received, may seek or is eligible for Part A Program funds.
In most instances, conflict of interest does not refer to persons living with HIV (PLWH) whose only relationship to a Part A-funded organization or agency is as a client who receives or is eligible for services.

Volunteer Application 

Privacy Information

I understand that the information I have provided on this form is confidential. By submitting this application, I understand this information will be available to the Nominations Committee for review.